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Sex Tips

Porn for Couples: Why It Might Just Save Your Relationship

Porn for Couples: Why It Might Just Save Your Relationship. Porn for couples is a great way to spice up your relationship. In fact, if your sex life is dry, watching porn with your partner may just save it.

Porn is still such a taboo subject in many places around the world, let alone porn for couples where you watch it together. More and more people are becoming comfortable with it, but it’s still awkward to talk about – especially with your significant other. Although it may be difficult, you should openly discuss it anyway.

When your relationship is on the verge of a break because your sex life just isn’t what it used to be, watching porn with your partner can end up saving your relationship. There are so many options when it comes to porn for couples and you should at least talk about trying it to mend your relationship.

Why is porn so captivating?

This is just the truth. Some people would rather turn on a porno and do the job themselves than to go find their significant other and strike up the mood for sex. It’s just interesting to watch, and most people have watched it at some point in their lives.

It’s very captivating simply because it’s different than anything we’ve ever done. Sure, it’s not real, but it can bring to life our fantasies that we just don’t get to indulge in real life. That’s why porn is so interesting to people – even those in a relationship.

Porn for couples

A ton of couples all over the world watch porn together. And guess what? Their sex lives are pretty damn amazing. And since we know that a lack of sex is something that can ruin many relationships, having a healthy sexy life is vital to an everlasting love.

For those of you who are struggling to keep the love alive in your relationship, it may not have anything to do with love. In order to mend your relationship, maybe all you need is porn for couples. Here’s why it may just save your love life.

#1 You will have sex more. This is just the best reason to watch porn as a couple if your relationship is lacking in the sex department. Now, this is assuming that porn actually turns you on. Because if it doesn’t, don’t try to force it.
But if you’re watching porn together, you’re going to be turned on by what you’re seeing on the screen. Normally, you may lack a sex drive, and that’s why you’re not having sex as often. But porn for couples is meant to get you both in the mood so you’ll want to have sex.

#2 You learn what your partner desires. Porn is a great tool to use to find out what your significant other likes in the bedroom. Most couples don’t sit down and talk to each other about what their deepest desires are when it comes to sex.

But by watching porn and seeing what videos your partner seems to like more, you’ll get an inside look as to what they like the most when it comes to sex. This will help you perform in the bedroom, and you can change how you have sex with them so they like it more, and they’ll do the same.

#3 You bond. Watching porn together is a really important bonding experience for the both of you. You’re trusting them to not make fun of you or laugh at the things you like to watch. You’re really putting your insecurities aside and opening up.

This is a huge bonding experience for the two of you, and it will actually help your relationship in other aspects as well. And not just with your sex life. So watch it for the bonding, and then watch how your relationship changes for the better.

#4 You let your guard down. This is super important in a relationship, and if you don’t feel close enough to your partner, then watching porn may be the answer. When you watch porn, you have to forget about being scared and just do it.

When your guard is down like this, they get to see a part of you they never got to before. This can help them appreciate new parts of you and see you for who you really are – which is vital in any relationship.

#5 It’s basically foreplay. If the foreplay is lacking, the sex isn’t as enjoyable and you’re less likely to want to have sex all the time. That’s just the way things work, and it can be the reason your sex life with your partner is struggling a little bit.

But when you watch porn for couples, you’re actually doing foreplay without even touching each other. You get turned on and in the mood just by watching it, and that will also make the real foreplay more effective and feel a lot better.

#6 You’ll have something to laugh about. I’m not saying that you are going to laugh at each other or what each other likes in a porno. This is to say that porn can be REALLY funny sometimes. Occasionally, it’s so ridiculously unrealistic that you can’t help but laugh really hard. This will bring you two closer together.

#7 You’ll learn to speak up in bed. Porn can actually teach you a thing or two. This is actually meant in two ways. You’ll learn to speak up and tell your significant other what you really want in bed, and you’ll also learn how to talk and make it enticing in the bedroom.

You’ll feel better about telling them what you want in order to get you off, and you’ll also be able to use your own words in a sexy way that will make them get off. Both of these are super beneficial in your relationship.

#8 You’ll gain confidence. Confidence can do wonders for your relationship. By watching porn together, you’ll gain their trust, learn what they like and dislike in bed, and know just how to get them off.

This will all make you feel so much better about yourself, too. When you hold that kind of power and know how to use it, you’ll feel unstoppable in your relationship.

#9 It gives you ideas for sex – which can benefit both of you. The biggest problem about sex in relationships is that it’s boring. You’re having sex with the same person over and over again, and if you don’t switch things up, it’ll stay that way. And then eventually, you won’t want to have sex.

By watching porn for couples, you’ll actually be able to get new ideas that you can try out in your own sex life. You can even turn porn-watching into a game. Make a deal to act out the porno – no matter how weird it gets. The first person to cave and say no has to give the other a full body massage.

#10 It’s something new and exciting. Long-term relationships can get really stale after a while. You know everything about them and you’re just bored, which can make your sex life boring, too.

When you start watching porn together, it’s a new and exciting thing you’re taking on. It brings a new excitement to the relationship that you wouldn’t have otherwise. It’s different and your secret. That’s enough to turn you on without even watching the porn.

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