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Sex Tips

15 Benefits of Sleeping Naked

There are benefits of sleeping naked that might have you changing your habits instead of your clothes. Hold off on those pajamas and consider the nude!

When you head off to bed at night, what do you wear? That might sound like a ridiculous question, but think about it for a second. Do you grab your unsexist pair of pajamas and get cozy? Do you reach for something a little sexier to impress your partner? Some of you might go for another option. Why? Because there are many benefits of sleeping naked you might be unaware of!

The idea of sleeping naked is foreign to many. After all, the pajama industry is and always has been booming. Pajamas must exist for a reason, right? Throwing them away seems ludicrous, but we could be better off without them.

Why sleeping naked is good for you

It seems bizarre that something as obscure as what you sleep in might be beneficial. After all, if you ditch your cotton pajamas to lay under a cotton blanket, aren’t you still sleeping in cotton? Let’s look at some of the benefits of sleeping naked and find out why it makes a difference.

1. Airing out your down under is healthier and cleaner

Jennifer Landa, MD, the author of The Sex Drive Solution for Women, says that sleeping without panties on can promote a healthier environment for your vagina.

A closed-off and excessively warm environment is the perfect setting for a yeast infection, so airing it out can prevent infection. Nobody likes thrush, right?

2. The cooler you are, the better you sleep

Wearing sleepwear under a ton of blankets can be bad for your sleep cycle. Your body temperature is supposed to drop in order for you to get into an optimal state of sleep, which means that blankets and clothes might increase your temperature and disrupt your sleep.

That’s not good at all, considering that a lack of sleep is both unhealthy and makes for a very unpleasant morning. If one of the benefits of sleeping naked is a better night’s sleep, we’re down for it!

3. You’ll wake up a little younger each day

Maybe it’s not that impressive, but your aging process will significantly slow down. As we sleep, we release growth hormone, which is a natural anti-aging substance.

When sleep is disrupted due to excessive warmth, we produce less of it and end up aging faster. They don’t tell you that when you buy a new pair of pajamas, do they?

4. Your stress levels will decrease

Sleeping without clothes on is more comfortable for our body. Because we’re sleeping soundly, our stress hormone, cortisol, decreases. That’s super-beneficial in many ways because stress can be extremely damaging to health. If you can decrease stress, you should do it!

5. One of the benefits of sleeping naked is better confidence

When you’re naked, you’re more aware of your body, and that’s a good thing! That’s why walking around naked while you’re alone in the house doesn’t feel embarrassing at all.

It feels sexy and empowering, which boosts your confidence levels. The more confident you are, the more you enjoy life and the happier you are.

6. Better relationships

Sleeping naked next to your partner boosts your oxytocin levels. This is what scientists call the “love hormone.” When it’s at its highest levels, it promotes pair bonding, which is a scientific way of saying that you and your partner will like each other more.

7. Awesome and more frequent sex

This is another wonderful side-effect of increased oxytocin. Researchers found that those who released more oxytocin tend to experience stronger orgasms and have decidedly more engaging sex lives.

This means not only more sex, but better sex. That’s one of the benefits of sleeping naked that we can get behind.

8. Sleeping naked creates less laundry

Enough said.

9. Men experience the benefits of sleeping naked, too

For men, sleeping naked cools down their testes. This is the ideal environment for keeping your sperm healthy, which is why sleeping naked is related to higher fertility rates in men.

10. Summer sleeping is more bearable

The majority of highly populated countries are now experiencing extreme temperature bursts during the summer months. If you continue to sleep naked during that period, you won’t have to suffer from hot flashes until your hormones tell you that it’s time to.

11. Revs up your metabolism

Sleeping in a cooler environment allows your body to produce healthy fat that increases your metabolism. Study author Francesco S. Celi, MD says that his subjects, who slept in a chilly room, produced more brown fat.

Brown fat is a healthy fat that’s stored in your neck and burns calories in order to generate body heat. Sleeping naked might produce the same effects.

12. Your immune system gets a boost

One of the best benefits of sleeping naked is getting sick less often. We heal faster while we sleep, and we store enough energy to keep our healthy antibodies working. Therefore, if you can get more uninterrupted sleep, you’ll have a healthier and more effective immune system.

13. You’ll be less hungry when you wake up

High levels of cortisol increase your appetite. Since sleeping naked lowers the amount of cortisol in your body, you’re less likely to feel like you need a midnight snack or an extra serving of dessert in the middle of the day.

14. Reduces the chances of obesity and diabetes

Because of the brown fat that’s produced when your body temperature drops and the fact that your cortisol levels decrease with better sleep, you can deduce that your chances of obesity and diabetes lessen.

If you’re cooler and your body is burning calories to keep itself a little bit warmer, that’s one way that you’re avoiding it. If a lack of sleep increases your cortisol, which increases your appetite, then getting a great night’s sleep can help you avoid unnecessary weight gain in that way, too.

15. You’ll have better blood flow

It’s well known that lacking restful sleep is harmful to both your short-term and long-term health.

Sleep is said to interfere with your blood flow because when you’re not getting enough of it, your body isn’t producing its brown fat or decreasing its own cortisol. This leads to fatty deposits building up in your arteries, restricting your blood flow.

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