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Sex Tips

15 Sexy Reasons Why Girls Moan During Sex

15 Sexy Reasons Why Girls Moan During Sex. Why do girls moan during sex? Have you ever wondered? Is it purely down to enjoyment or is it more of an encouragement tool? Let’s explore!

While men grunt, curse, and growl, women can moan an amazing three octaves during sex. Humans are one of the few species other than cats, cows, and giant tortoises known to make weird noises during sexual intercourse. Understanding why girls moan will make you a better lover.

Why? Because it doesn’t always mean she’s having a wonderful time, sometimes she’s trying to tell you something to make the experience even better.

The actual reasons for moaning are more complicated as they are a mystery. Just like a newborn infant crying, moaning during sex may sound the same every time, but it means different things in certain situations.

So, what other reasons are there that compel her to make those sexy vocalizations during sex? She’s probably having a great time, but maybe the moaning is about something else entirely. Let’s learn more about why girls moan during sex.

Why do girls moan during sex?

Do you think women moaning during sex is a recent, human-exclusive behavior? You are wrong. Our primate cousins in fact, present evidence that moaning during sex isn’t just for pleasure but serves a more evolutionary purpose. The most obvious reason is to call a mate.

Early pre-human ancestors, with no complex vocabulary such as ours, relied on specific vocalizations to attract mates. And when they got a mate through these calls, they used it to attract more potential mates to ensure they were fertilized by the best sperm in the herd. In time, males are then conditioned to recognize sexual pleasure from these vocalizations.

Now, we’re not suggesting that your girlfriend is moaning because she’s using some evolutionary tactic to ensure fertilization – quite the opposite, in fact.

These days moaning is basically a natural thing that happens when someone is in the moment. It can be low moans, gentle breaths, screaming even – every woman is different.

So, why do girls moan? Let’s explore.

1. She moans because she can’t help it

Most women admit moaning during sex happens naturally. Just like how you vocalize when the massage therapist hits the right spot or the exact moment after you dip into a comfortable bath, the pleasure drives her to moan involuntarily.

2. She moans to encourage her man to perform better

A woman moaning during sex is like a cheerleader’s chant during a ball game. The undeniably erotic sound just drives their partner to focus and perform better during intercourse.

Men cannot deny that hearing their partner moan is a big sexy form of encouragement that drives them to do better in bed.

3. She moans to help her man become harder

We’ve just mentioned that the sound of a woman’s sex moan is totally erotic to a man’s ears. Hearing it often makes his erection harder for her benefit.

4. She moans because it makes her feel good

In some cases, women are turned on by the sound of their own moans. A woman’s pleasure center unconsciously encourages moaning so she can enjoy sex better.

5. Some moans could indicate discomfort or even pain

When learning why do girls moan during sex, know that moaning isn’t just a sign of pleasure. There are times that she moans because she feels pain or discomfort. If you go too rough on her or if your penis strikes her insides painfully, she might moan in this way.

Men should know which moan is which. So, when you’re trying to work out why girls moan, know that it’s not always a good thing.

6. It could indicate boredom or dissatisfaction

Moaning has a positive, stimulating effect on both partners during sex. So, when sex takes a dull and boring turn, she may let out a squeak or two to let her partner know he’s doing a poor job and set his game straight.

7. She moans to boost her man’s ego

If she does this, she probably loves you. By moaning, she lets you think you do a good job in bed. The louder the moan, the more she boosts your ego saying you’re a great lover.

Everybody knows that a confident person in the sack is a good person in the sack. By giving you that much needed confidence, you can take the “good” sex to the next level and make it “mind blowing.”

8. She moans to set her man’s sexual rhythm

By moaning, she controls the rhythm of her man’s thrusts and movements by moaning loudly, softly, or vocalizing faster. Moaning can be thought of as the cue sound to let the man know when to slow down or speed things up.

9. She might fake a moan to wrap up the whole session

If things take too long and she wants you to come and be done with it, she uses her moans to drive you into an earlier orgasm. If the man takes too long, and she feels her natural lubricant dry up, she might use this tactic.

10. She moans because silent sex might feel awkward
Horror films are not as scary without cue music. In the same way, sex without moans is awkward and less enjoyable. Moaning is just a part of the whole ritual.

Let’s be honest, sex would feel rather unusual if she didn’t vocalize.

11. She moans because she loves loud sex!

No matter what the eggheads say, most men and women prefer the ambient sound of pleasured moans. It just gives sex a better flavour.

12. She moans because she’s having a great time

Duh! This one should be a no-brainer, but it is something that has come up and needs to be addressed. Women make such noises while getting jiggy between the sheets because it feels good! It’s a response to say that whatever you’re doing—it’s working.

If your woman is silent in bed, then something probably needs fixing. It’s pretty much an involuntary response to great-feeling sex.

13. Moaning helps her fulfill a fantasy

Whether it’s for you or her, there is a fantasy that involves screaming her brains out from how insanely amazing the sex is! This is especially true of shy women. A shy woman loves the idea that she can be loud, be in charge, and release her inner sex-kitten. Mee-oow!

If your fantasy is to have a woman enjoying herself so much that she can’t help but make all kinds of delicious sounds, then she wants to give that to you. It’s just one of the many reasons women release such pleasing sounds in bed.

14. She moans to feel free

When a woman moans and writhes in bed, she is letting herself go and enjoying the moment. Nothing can make a gal feel freer than just letting the noises naturally escape her lips.

In today’s society, women are expected to be prim and proper all of the time, or they’re seen as unappealing and *dare we say* slutty. Letting all of that out in bed is a great way for her to feel like she doesn’t have to hold back anymore.

15. She moans to relieve stress

Just as she may feel more liberated, she will also feel more relaxed. Sex is a stress reliever in and of itself. You add some intense moaning and shouting, and that’s a recipe for extreme relaxation.

Letting out all of the tension from the day/week is a reason to get loud in bed. So, when learning why do girls moan during sex, know that she’s letting out all that tension too!

Do all girls moan in bed?

It’s important to know that not all girls moan. Some just feel awkward about it, and others simply don’t see the need. It’s easy to become lost in the moment and for some women, moaning just isn’t on the agenda. They’re far too focused on the feelings and noises don’t come out!

Some women moan, but not others. All of the above is normal, just as having a woman who screams the house down during sex is normal too! Whatever makes her feel comfortable and helps her to enjoy the moment is totally fine.

However, if your girlfriend regularly makes too much noise, what should you do?

Firstly, understand that she is probably enjoying herself and let her be. But, if the noise is simply too loud and the neighbors are about to complain, perhaps kiss her more often so she doesn’t have the breath to moan! Otherwise, a quiet word, as sensitively and carefully as possible, might be on the agenda.

The importance of communication

It’s not a great idea to try and rely upon deciphering your girlfriend’s moans to try and figure out what she likes in bed. Communication is a far better approach!

If you’re not sure what your girlfriend is trying to do or say when she’s moaning away, simply ask her. Without breaking the moment, you can whisper in her ear, “tell me what you want”, or “does it feel good?” That opens up the lines of communication and she’ll be able to tell you what she wants you to do.

If it’s a moan of pain, she’ll feel more able to tell you what’s going on. Perhaps she’s trying to cover it up because she doesn’t want to upset you, but if she’s in any type of discomfort, you need to know so that you can stop and fix the problem.

Communication is vital in bed, as much as it is out of bed.

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