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Sex Tips

8 Types of Nipples

8 Types of Nipples. Breasts come in different shapes and sizes for both men and women. But did you know there are different types of nipples too?

The great thing about the human body is that it varies from person to person. Wouldn’t it be boring if we all had exactly the same appearance to our bodies?

What if everyone had a freckle in the same place? A mole on exactly the same spot? Breasts the same size, or a penis that was 100% the same across the board? How about no different types of nipples, just nips that were uniform for everyone?

Life would be pretty boring, that’s for sure.

While it’s normal to pick fault with your own body *not advised, however, you should learn to love yourself*, it’s interesting to learn about bodily differences too. Ironically, that can help you learn to embrace your own body and love it for what it is.

Let’s talk nipples

Yes, we’re going there. You might be surprised to learn that there are many different types of nipples out there, and they’re all perfectly wonderful and healthy. There are dark ones, small ones, inverted ones, pointy ones, rounded ones, the list goes on.

You’re probably looking down right now and trying to figure your own right now – we see you! Or, maybe you’re totally transfixed on a particular issue with your own nipples, and you want some reassurance that you’re normal.

Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Different types of nipples

So you think you’ve seen it all? We think not. We’re looking at eight perfectly normal, but definitely different types of nipples available for the world to experience!

1. Hairy nipples

Just as some men can grow hair around their areola, so too can women! Nipple hairs are common in females. That’s right, women can have pubic-like hairs growing around the outside of their nipples.

In some cases, this may be due to more serious issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome or Cushing syndrome. In most cases, it is just one of those completely normal *but never talked about* things that happen to regular ole boobs!

And for those frowning down upon those with female nipple hairs, we say this: All it takes is a couple of tweezer plucks for her to look good as new. Who knows, your gal may be sporting hidden hairy nips and you may be none the wiser!

2. The THIRD nipple

That’s right—they do exist! A third nipple, more professionally referred to as a supernumerary nipple, is a tiny, well, nipple that appears on the body.

While these nips can grow anywhere, including the face, they are more commonly referred to as third nipples when they appear on the chest.

While science can’t seem to narrow down exactly why people are born with this phenomenon, rest assured—it’s rare, but it happens!

3. Bumpy nipples

Have you ever noticed tiny bumps around your nipples? These may look similar to pimples but never grow a “head” on them. While you may be feeling like your breasts are outside of the box, they are actually completely normal!

These bumps are called Montgomery glands, and all women have them! These glands secrete oil and help keep your nipples lubricated and supple. Much like the rest of your body parts, these bumps vary from person to person. Some may be more or less noticeable and may differ in colour or size, but all are totally healthy and normal.

4. Inverted nipples

Do you know how belly buttons can either be considered an “innie” or an “outie”? Well, the same can be said for nipples. Inverted nipples are breasts where the nipples point inward instead of out.

Some doctors suggest massaging the nipples to encourage them to come out, while others have their mates suck on them to draw them into the foreground *and hey, just for fun!* A small number of women may have difficulty breastfeeding with their innie, however, breastfeeding is definitely not impossible.

5. Long nipples

When someone says a nipple is long, they are likely referring to the protrusion itself. Some girls have very long nipples, making sucking and teasing an absolute breeze. This normal nipple type even has its own porn fetish!

6. Very large nipples

This loose term often refers to a larger-than-average areola, as opposed to the nipple itself. The female areola grows larger as she goes through puberty.

While most areolae grow in proportion to the female’s breast size, some can get massively huge – even on smaller breasts! These large pigmented areas are totally normal and definitely kinked after *then again, what isn’t these days?*

7. Very small nipples

Small nipples *consisting of the nipple itself, or the areola* are another brand of nipples that has to do with genetics.

While most nipples expand in size during puberty, this isn’t always the case. But hey, small nipples are sexy, too!

8. Flat or puffy nipples

As the name suggests, these nipples often take on a bloated, puffy look, or may lay entirely flat on the breast. These are more common during the teenage years. Nevertheless, all nips are different, and you may carry on as flat, puffy, or straight into your adult years!

Were you traumatized thinking your nip wasn’t the norm? Don’t sweat it. Now you know there is a rainbow variety of nipples on the market, each more fabulous than the last.

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