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Sex Tips

How to Make a Guy Horny

Knowing how to make a guy horny while hanging out is the easiest thing to do, as long as you know these sexy tricks to make any guy hard in your presence.

How to make a guy horny and hard while sitting next to him!

There are so many ways to turn a guy on. But it all starts with sexual attraction and arousal.

If you’ve made a guy look at you in a more-than-just-friends kind of way, you’re there already. All you need to do is bat your eyelids, drop all the right signs, and if he’s interested in you too, he’d jump into bed with you.

But even if you’ve never ever made it obvious that you like him, or even if he has no clue, you can still make him desire you and want you sexually just by following a few simple steps.

Use these 30 subtle, obvious and very sexy flirting tips to arouse a guy instantly. They’re very powerful, flirty, and extremely naughty. And if you want to have some fun while turning a guy on, they’ll go a long way!

The art of seduction without making it obvious

Here’s the first tip you need to remember when it comes to knowing how to make a guy horny. Guys love mystery. As much as we guys may hate to admit it or believe it ourselves, evolution has always made a man crave for something he can’t easily have.

Yes, he wants to undress you in his mind. He wants to see you naked. And he wants to sleep with you. But as much as he wants to do that, it’s the sexual tension you build in the process that’ll determine just how badly he desires you and wants you. If you know how to build sexual tension with a guy, you’d know how to make a guy chase you and get turned on by your mere presence!

Remember this when you’re trying to seduce a guy or trying to make him horny. Don’t make it obvious. The more mysterious you are, the more the suspense and the more hornier he’d get!

Why you need to hide the fact you’re trying to make him horny

Take it slow and play it cool. If you’re trying to make a guy horny when sitting next to him *and you aren’t dating him already*, making your intentions too easy to read can kill the mood. If he realizes that you’re trying to seduce him, he may do one of these two things.

He may take advantage of the fact that you’re desperate to get into bed with him, and sleep with you *and forget all about you the next morning because you were just an easy lay to him*. Or secondly, he may assume you’re tricking him into something wicked like a bad prank and he may cold-shoulder you or back away by asking you to take it easy!

Either way, it’s not going to work in your favour because the outcome would just be humiliation or embarrassment. And we don’t want that!

Don’t be funny when you’re trying to get a guy horny

Here’s the second tip you need to keep in mind to make a guy horny effortlessly. When you’re trying to seduce a guy while sitting next to him or having a conversation with him, it’s obvious that there would be a few awkward pauses and silent moments now and then.

Don’t rush to fill those awkward moments with talk. Let the awkwardness build. You can always convert the awkward unease into something sexual. But it’s hard to change funny to sexy. So don’t kill the sexual mood by laughing, appearing awkward, or talking incessantly.

Look away if you can’t handle the awkward tension, but don’t laugh or use small talk to fill the gaps of awkwardness. Laughing loudly kills the sexual mood instantly, lifts both of you out of the haze of sexual tension, and flings the two of you down into friend-zone territory all over again.

How can you tell if he’s getting aroused?

Before we get to the steps you need to follow to make a guy horny when you’re sitting next to him, here’s one more thing you need to know.

The most important thing you need to remember when you’re trying to seduce a guy is to make him want to touch you. When a guy is horny, however respectable he may be, he’d just have a hard time keeping his hands off of you! *it doesn’t matter who’s around, he’d just want to grab you*

If you’re sitting alone with a guy, have anywhere between fifteen to twenty minutes of alone time with each other, and try these tips mentioned here. If he’s getting a horny stiffy in his pants, you’d know it as soon as he starts looking for excuses to touch you, or lingers each time he runs his hands over you.

Read 15 ways to turn a guy on without even touching him while hanging out with him for more sneaky but sexy moves.

The 9 naughty steps to arouse a guy and make him horny while sitting next to him
The next time you’re sitting down with a guy you’re sexually attracted to, you don’t need to wait for him to make a move. All you need to use are these 9 subtle steps to make a guy horny, and you’ll leave him with an uncomfortable erection in his pants within a few minutes!

And once you get there, you won’t have to worry about ways to let him know that you’re sexually attracted to him. He’ll assume he’s the one who’s lusting for you, and he’d make a move on you even before you drop any hints that you like him too.

1. Build the sexual tension

If you want to make a guy horny, it all starts with a comfortable and quiet place to sit down together. Find an excuse to sit close to him, slide your butt really close to him and show him a few new pictures you clicked on your phone, or an article you think he’d enjoy.

Show him this article on 22 girl things girls do unintentionally that guys love and ask him if the list is true. It’s a perfectly flirty way to spend the next 15 minutes attached at each other’s hips AND talk about flirty and dirty things girls do at the same time!

You can talk casually and just behave as you normally would. The first thing you need to do is get him to feel comfortable with the fact that you’re sitting so close to him.

A guy may feel awkward for the first minute or two when you enter into his personal space, but he’ll get used to it in no time as long as you keep it casual and talk about something to distract his nervousness.

2. Speak softly

Drop your tone a few minutes into the conversation and start speaking softly, just above a whisper. Your high-pitched laughter or excitement may please the guy if he’s trying to impress you.

But if you want to make him horny, a soft voice creates the perfect setting for an intimate conversation.

It’s just like sex. When you’re having passionate sex with a guy, doesn’t your voice automatically drop down to a seductive whisper because you’re so turned on? Well, try to replicate that tone without making it obvious to him.

3. Create awkward situations

An awkward situation is almost always the sexiest way to arouse a guy and make him really horny. All you need to do is find a way to move in closer to him.

You could pretend like you just got scared of something crawling near you and cling to his arm as you sit next to him. Or you could bend towards him to reach for something that’s on the other side of him.

But when you do something like this, make sure your boob or your thigh grazes against his body for a few seconds while you reach out to something. Pretend like you don’t realize it, and the sudden unexpected graze would leave him feeling uncomfortable, but pleased and excited at the same time!

Check out these very powerful ways to seduce a guy who’s not yet yours and leave him smitten that you can use when you’re not sitting next to him.

4. Tell him a secret

Look around in an obvious manner, like you’re trying to see if anyone’s around. And pretend like you have a secret you’d like to share with him.

Go really close to his ears, and share some gossip that you think is worth talking about. But more importantly, as you whisper in his ear, make sure your lips touch his ear lobes *accidentally, of course!* a few times.

That’s an immediate turn on for any guy, and that accidental kiss on his ear would make him assume he’s just got lucky. And he won’t have a clue that you’re intentionally trying to make him horny.

5. Give him an eyeful

Bend down to pick something up, and make sure you give him an eyeful of your sexy parts, be it your cleavage or your lower back.

Take your time getting up so he can take a good peek without feeling scared that you’d catch him in the act. Guys are very visual and they’re easily aroused when they accidentally get to peek down a girl’s tee shirt.

Check out these 34 physical assets of a girl that sexually arouses a guy if you’re looking for tips on what you can use to give him an eyeful!

6. Get affectionate and touch him

Start off by showing him something on your body. It could be a bruise on your thigh, a chip on your heel or anything else that you can complain about, and tell him just how annoyed you are by it.

And as you do this, rest your head on his shoulder for a second *and take a deep breath* or play with his fingers, like you’re annoyed and need a distraction.

He’ll instinctively try to cheer you up or say something sweet like “it doesn’t look so bad…” or “I hope it doesn’t hurt too much…” Pretend like you’re still bothered by it, and continue talking about it. You can leave his fingers or lift your head off his shoulder now.

All you’re doing here is letting him know that you’re comfortable in his personal space, and you’re subtly giving him permission to touch you. And if he’s feeling the sexual tension already, he’d be wishing you’d sit more closer to him!

If you’re looking for ways to master flirting by touch, use this guide on how to flirt with someone using the art of subtle touches.

7. Get him to touch you

Making a guy feel bold enough to touch you is easy, as long as you say the right thing. Point out to a mole or a part of your body, and tell him something about it. “Do you know I have a birthmark here?” “I really like this mole on my body” “I hate my nails, they seem so fragile…” Say anything that brings his attention to your body.

Big chances are, as soon as you say a line like this, especially ones that are focused on your fingers or a body part that’s easily accessible *so he won’t feel awkward*, the guy would immediately reach out and touch you to examine what you just pointed out!

8. Tell him a secret

And by a secret, I mean a sexual secret. You could talk about something you once did with an ex, or a secret lusty fling you had recently. But don’t start the conversation out of the blue though.

Ask this guy a question or two that would create the right circumstances to talk about it. Say something like “so… are you still dating that girl?” or “You’re very naughty, aren’t you? I heard about that thing you did with…”

And once he starts blushing or talking about a naughty incident, bring yourself into the picture and talk about something naughty that you’ve done, even if it’s an incident involving another guy.

It would make him jealous to know another guy’s been lucky enough to get naughty with you. And it would also make him want to do it with you. If he says something like “I wish I was that guy…” you can always say, “Oh, really…? What would you have done…?”

9. Do you want to kiss him or leave him horny?

By now, the guy you’re talking to would be so worked up and so horny he’d have a hard time keeping his hands off you. But unless he’s extremely horny, his gentlemanly side wouldn’t know what to say or how to make out with you.

This is where you need to ask yourself what you want to do. You can either leave him there with an uncontrollable hard on, so you can continue this later, and at a better place and time. Or you can let him know that you have something more in mind and get him to kiss you – just use these naughty ways to get a guy to kiss you when you want him to.

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