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Sex Tips

Teasing Ways to Get a Guy to Sleep with You

Teasing Ways to Get a Guy to Sleep with You. You might be crushing on a certain man and wonder how to get a guy to sleep with you, especially that guy. Don’t worry, here’s everything you need to know.

A lot of girls don’t know how to get a guy to sleep with you. Some even feel like they can’t get a guy to like them, no matter what they do. That is probably part of the problem—they try too hard. Sometimes, they want a guy so badly, that they lie and do silly things just to get to spend time with one. You have to admit, it’s not a bad idea, right? Well, maybe not.

How to get a guy to sleep with you

Now that you know what guys find attractive, you don’t want to waste years of pushing and pulling, trying to get a guy into you—don’t do what you’ve always done.

Instead, follow these tips on how to get a guy to sleep with you, and they’ll put you on the right track. If you thought this was some complex algorithm, you’re wrong.

1. Don’t be too eager

There’s a time and place to look at him, but this is clearly not the time. See, here is the thing, no one wants to be with someone who’s too into them—at least in the beginning.

They want the chase. They want you to play a little hard to get. They don’t want you drooling after them. Sure it boosts their ego, but not in the way that gets you laid.

2. Feel sexy

Sexiness can be felt miles away, and it’s not surprising that it will make a guy want to sleep with you. You don’t have to look like Megan Fox in order to be sexy. Hell, most girls are far from it. But, you have to think that you are really sexy. You should love your hair and your smile.

Sure, there might be some flaws that you have, but you shouldn’t think about that when you walk into a room. You should only think about how great you look and feel. If you feel sexy, every guy wants a piece of it.

3. Be flirty

Be flirty with him, yet tease him a bit. Show him you don’t think he’s the hottest guy in the room, and, if you want, you could get someone else.

If he feels he has you in his pocket, it doesn’t mean he’s going to sleep with you. Instead, he keeps you as an option. No, no, no! You don’t want that, flip that around.

4. Focus on building the tension

You can do this through flirting and body language. Stand closer to him, touch his arm when you laugh, brush your hair to one side exposing your neck. These very small acts reveal a lot.

Remember we communicate 90% through body language. So, use your body to make him want you.

5. Don’t hang around

If you’re at a club or bar and he approaches you, definitely have a conversation. But, don’t hang around him for the entire night. Sure, you don’t want him to find someone else, but hanging out with him for the entire night shows that he’s the only one you want.

Go to the bathroom. Dance with your friends for a bit. Show him that you don’t need him.

6. Make him compete

Now, don’t make him feel like he’s running a 10k race, but you want him to see other men interested in you. Men like competition. It continues off with the idea of them chasing the woman.

If a guy approaches, have a conversation, smile, and be friendly. But wake him up and show him other men are interested. That way, when you’re alone, he approaches you and the guy will most likely want to sleep with you.

7. Create an opportunity for him to approach you

If you’re always with your friends, they may not approach you. Think about it – it can be slightly intimidating walking up to a group of women. But, on occasion, go to the bar by yourself or dance just a little bit away from your friends. Give him space to come up to you.

8. Make eye contact

You don’t need to do this throughout the night, but, do make eye contact a couple of times. When men look at women, they look at their faces first since the face reveals whether or not a woman is interested in them. So, eye contact gives him the hint that you’re into him.

9. Don’t give him everything right away

Sure, you want to jump on him and rip off his clothes. But don’t, at least not yet. If you two kiss, sure, make out with him but at some point, pull back.

This builds up the intensity and makes him want you even more—you know why? Because you’re not giving him what he wants.

10. Use texting to your advantage

If he asks for your number or you have texted, make the content a little naughtier. If you want to know how to get a guy to sleep with you, tell him what you’re wearing right now or what you wish you were doing.

This makes him visualize what he would do to you sexually. What’s even better is that he’s not next to you, and it increases the sexual tension.

11. But don’t over text

You want him to chase you. So, though you can text him, let him make the first move. Yes, you want to sleep with him, but he needs to want to sleep with you. And if you sext already, he’ll have no problem texting you and vice versa. If you still talk on a friendly level, play it cool and let him put in some effort.

12. You don’t have to say yes when he says yes

If he’s decided he wants to sleep with you—great! But this doesn’t mean you must say yes. Remember, he’s chasing you, so now you have the power. You control when you sleep with him.

So, you can play hard to get a little bit and not give him what he wants right away.

13. If you just met him, don’t text him

We really mean it. If you just met this guy, you exchanged numbers—don’t text him. Come on, if he wants you, he can text you.

Remember, it’s about the chase. He may think you’ll text him but add a little plot twist and surprise him with your nonchalant behaviour.

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