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Sex Tips

Tips to keep your pussy squeaky clean

Tips to keep your pussy squeaky clean. Wanna keep your body happy and healthy? Follow these tips.

1. Wash regularly. A couple of washcloth swipes with warm water (mild soap = optional) during your daily shower will do!

2. Wipe front to back. TP swipes should be a one-way street. One study found that wiping the wrong way boosted your chance of a UTI by 64 percent. 😬

3. Pee after sex. Flush out any wayward bacteria stat!

4. Clean your sex toys. Cuz no one wants to rub a dirty vibe on their vag.

5. Wear breathable undies. Cotton is best. The idea is to avoid trapping sweat and bacteria against your bits all day.

6. Don’t douche! Remember, it’s unnecessary and potentially harmful.

7. Skip the scents. You don’t need to smell like roses. And scented products tend to irritate your delicate flower of a vulva.

8. Avoid anus-to-vag contact. Bacterial infections are such party poopers.

9. Ditch sweaty, wet clothes. Yeast infections thrive in humidity. Keep your bits dry whenever possible!

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